Tuesday 28 May 2019

Tip: Lemons

Summers are here with a juicy harvest of lemons. It serves to us so many benefits. But have you ever experienced the problems in buying lemons? Do you want more juice extracts? Here are some tips for you, that will surely benefit you.


  • Buy medium sized lemons. They generally have a good quantity of juice.
  • They should be yellow with a greenish tinch. This would increase the quantity of juice and also increase the shelf life. As, the totally green ones don't have much juice, while the yellow ones have a short shelf life.
  • The presence of a unique but natural smooth and shiny skin indicates it's freshness.
  • Those having thin peels, have more juice and are usually known as 'कागजी नींबू'. They are best for pickles, too.
  • Before taking out their juice, roll them on the platform while applying a little pressure by your palm.
  • Don't leave lemons after extracting a little juice from it. This will make it a bit bitter. So, if the whole is not required cut out the part which is required and then squeeze it out.
  • Don't use the technique of pricking the lemon with the toothpick if you're not going to use the whole lemon's juice. This will make the rest bitter.

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