Thursday 8 August 2019

Tips : Soft chapattis

One of my viewers had asked me to post some tips on how to make soft chapattis, which would stay soft for long time.
Hey, is this your problem, too? Then, catch-up this tip.

After 4 to 5 hours of baking
Soft chapattis

  • Knead the dough for a longer time, with proper amount of water.
  • Take care that the dough stays soft, but not watery.
  • Let the dough rest for atleast 15-20 minutes (at room temperature), after getting kneaded.
  • Don’t forget to preheat your pan, before rolling down the dough into chapattis. Preheating is the key to get the best results, if any method of heating is involved.
  • If you need to store the chapattis for a bit longer duration, bake (हल्का सेकें) them slightly lesser.
  • Try to inflate the chapattis to the fullest, while baking.
    Just after baking
    This would make the chapattis soft.
  • While storing, wrapping the chapattis in a cotton cloth would prevent them from dampening.
  • Also, stacking them, would keep them soft, warmer and un-dampened.


Thanks for reading!

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