Monday 23 September 2019

Tip: Preserving Curry Leaves

After going through the Tip: Preserving Coriander Leaves, some of my readers asked me for some tip(s) on Preserving Curry Leaves (मीठा नीम). So, on this demand I'm here with a tip on how to preserve Curry Leaves, which nowadays aren't easily available.

Preserving Curry Leaves

  1. Wash fresh Curry Leaves, thoroughly.
  2. Pat dry the leaves with tissues or clean towels. See that there is no moisture left.
  3. Pluck the leaves.
  4. In a wok, heat oil. Note, that oil should be in appropriate quantity, so that the leaves are dipped in the oil. Also, maintain the temperature, as very hot oil may burn leaves.
  5. For 10-15 seconds, fry the leaves.
  6. Strain out all the oil from the leaves.
  7. Let the leaves cool down and then store them in an air-tight container.
  8. This process will make the leaves last for months. It would help in sustaining the refreshing fragrance of the leaves, too.
The strained oil (from Step 6) gets aromatic while frying. It can be used for cooking in future, especially South Indian recipes.

Related Post(s):
Tip: Preseving Coriander Leaves ( )


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