Tuesday 22 May 2018

Kiddo Delight : White Sauce Pasta

“Mumma, I wanna eat something delicious.”
Now, when the Summer Vacations has started, this demand may be heard by you many times. Kids are very choosy; fulfilling this demand of theirs many a times gets difficult. So, now onwards, my recipe section will change to Kiddo Delight.

White Sauce Pasta


Macaroni or penne - 250 gm.
American sweet corn- 100 gm.
Butter - 1 tbsp
Flour (Maida) - 1 tbsp
Amul creamy cheese - 1 box 
Salt - according to taste
Milk - 100 ml. 
Oregano and chilli flakes - as per taste
Amul Creami Cheese Spread


Macaroni Boiling

Take water in a sauce pan, put sweet corn in it,  add ½ tbsp of salt & few drops of olive oil on it, and put it on flame
When, the water starts boiling, put macaroni into it & let it boil till it gets Al-dente.  Now, wash it with fresh water & keep it aside.

White Sauce preparation

Put  a wok on flame, take some butter, add flour & stir it. Turn off the gas before it becomes brown. Let it cool, for some time.
Pour some milk or water to this mixture and mix it vigorously, to make a smooth sauce, with no lumps. The white sauce is now ready.

White Sauce Pasta

Keep this sauce again onto the flame & add the macaroni (with sweet corns), salt & Amul creamy cheese to it. Mix it well & switch off the gas.
White Sauce Pasta  is now ready and can be served by garnishing it with chili flakes & herbs.


Macaroni should be boiled in salty water & become Al dente (just pre boiled- एक किनकि रहने तक).

Use Amul creamy cheese as it gives an authentic taste.


  1. Yummy... delicious..I have tried it👌👌

  2. Thank you dear
    Thanks for showing your interest


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