Tuesday 18 June 2019

Recipe : Instant Hing mango pickle

 Instant Hing mango pickle

The mango season is here. Its time to fulfil the tangy and spicy cravings. So present your taste buds this piquant seasonal savoury, that can be easily prepared in 2 days, without using even a drop of oil.


Raw Mango  – 250 gm.
Salt – 2tsp
Asafoetida (Hing) – 1 ½ tsp
Turmeric powder – ½ tsp
Red chili powder – 1 ½ tsp


  • Wash and dry the mangoes.
  • Peel and cut them into blocks.
  • Mix salt, asafoetida and turmeric powder, chili powder  with the mango blocks.
  • Keep them in sunlight for 2 days, in a closed glass jar, while shaking it periodically.
  • Your Hing Mango Pickle is ready. You may serve it with roti, parantha or rice.
Note: The Hing Mango Pickle is a seasonal pickle. Don't put it for the whole year; as it may rot.

Related Post(s):
Recipe: Oil - free mango pickle ( https://shadesoflife18.blogspot.com/2018/07/recipe_23.html?m=1 )


  1. I'll surely try this year.Thsnks for the reminder dear Anu.

    1. Thank you so much Ma'am for your appreciation

      I'm sure you'll like this flavour too

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you very much Ma'am for your appreciation

      Your words boost me up 😊


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