Thursday 3 February 2022

Skit - An Adventurous Day

लेखन (writing) की बहुत सी विधा होती हैं, सभी का अपना अलग ही आनंद होता है। 

तो आइए आज आप के साथ एक और नया segment शुरू कर रहे हैं।  

Skit (नाटक). 

CBSE board ने online classes में group activity कराने को भी कहा है।

जिसमें Advay (मेरा बेटा) ने कुछ play भी किए।

मेरी help से उसने इस skit की story and dialogues prepare किए हैं तो आज वही share कर रहे हैं।

I'm feeling proud to sharing budding writer, Advay's first skit. 

This act is based on the Setting of desert of the great Thar. 

Hope you all will enjoy-

An Adventurous Day

Narrator –

We all know the great Thar desert, which glorifies the western India. Once upon a time, Aanvi, Aadya, Advay & Apeksha, 4 Best Friends, went for a 7-day vacation to Rajasthan. It was their 3rd day & they were going to enjoy the sandy expanse of Jaisalmer? Let’s go and see, what they are doing.


So, if you all are done clicking photos and selfies, can we please get into the jeep for the desert safari? (taunting)

Apeksha –

Ya Aanvi, just 3 more pictures. (pleading)

Advay –

Come-on na Aanvi, we don’t come to such places daily. Let me have atleast one good photo for my Facebook DP. (carefree)

Aanvi –

(being fed up) Fine! Don’t complain later, if it gets dark during the safari.

Apeksha –

Ya ya! (careless tone)

Advay –

I will not! (carefree tone)

Narrator –

The Best Friends, got into the jeep and started the safari. They were about 40 minutes into the safari then suddenly-

Advay –

What! The jeep stopped! Oh no!

Aadya –

(in shock) WHATTTTT!!!! 

Apeksha –

You are joking, right? Come-on Advay, it is not a thing to joke about. 

Advay –

I’m not kidding. Come off the jeep, let’s see what has happened.

Narrator –

They get out of the jeep & check its machinery.


The engine seems fine. All the wires look okay. Even the fuel tank seems full.

Aadya –

Hey! Look, the tyre is punctured. You all know how to change the tyre, right?

Aanvi & Apeksha –

(sadly shake their head in no)

Advay –

I don’t know how to do that for jeep.

Aanvi –

You both wait. Let me and Advay go and search for a mechanic or someone to help.

Narrator –

Aanvi & Advay go searching for someone to help. Back at the jeep, the 2 girls try searching online for the method to change the tyre. But the network goes off. A man suddenly appears out of nowhere.

Stranger –

What’s the matter? Tyre puncture?

Aadya –

Yes. Our friends have gone to search for someone who can fix it.

Stranger –

Oh! You don’t know how to do that! Let me help you. I have been working as a mechanic since 35 years. (To ownself) Kids these days don’t even know how to change a punctured tyre. These tourist agencies should help their tourists with things like these. They should accompany them in these safaris.

Narrator –

After 10 minutes…

Apeksha –

Could not the man fix the tyre yet? It has been long. Let me check. (Peeps) Where did the uncle go? I can’t see him anywhere.

Aadya –

Maybe he was god-sent. (happily exclaimed) See, he has even fixed the tyre. Now let’s just wait for Advay & Aanvi to come back.

Narrator –

Advay & Aanvi return disappointed. They could not find anyone for help. The girls tell them about the stranger man and all the friends get happy. But as soon as they were going to drive back to the tourist guide’s spot, suddenly a sandstorm begins (Sound of sandstorm) and in seconds, the vision was full of nothing but sand. The friends get back into the jeep, waiting for the storm to end. 

Aanvi –

While waiting let’s have some snacks and water.

Apeksha –

(turns back & then front again) The food basket is not there! (angrily) Aadya, what a god-sent was that person, right? He took away our food.

Advay –

Atleast he fixed the tyre. (exclaimed) Oh wait! There’s a white light there. And such odd footstep sounds.

Apeksha –

What if that’s another thief, we’ll be left with nothing.

Aanvi –

Yes! What if even that person is rogue? We’ll be in great problem then.

Aadya –

Let’s just see for once. We are in no better situation even now.

Narrator –

Aadya approaches the person. She was an old woman who looked tired and was holding a white torch.

Old lady –

(tired and pleading) Oh little girl! Please help me out. You seem to be a tourist here. Please drop me to my home & I will help you get out of this sandstorm. 

Aadya –

But aunty, will you be able to see properly in this storm? And what are you even doing here all by yourself?

Old lady –

Oh little girl! I was out since afternoon for some fruits. But this wrecked storm, it starts anytime (angrily). However, I have been here since my childhood. I know how to handle such storms and get back home safely. Please drop me to my home and I will help you out. I will not harm you. You can trust an old lady like me, atleast.


The friends take the old lady inside the jeep. They tell the lady about the stranger who took away their food. The lady guides them to her house, where they meet her son Aarav.

Aarav –

I’m really really really thankful to you all. You don’t know how tensed I was. My mother was out alone after 5 years in this nasty storm. Thank god, she met you and you brought her back home. Thank you so so so much.

Old lady –

Yes children! I’m obliged by your help. Let us help you with some food and water. Aarav, go and help them with whatever they need. Even they were not spared by the desert thief. That person throws nails on the road, punctures the vehicles of all the tourists, helps them by fixing the puncture & then flees away with all their food and water.

Aarav –

(Picking up a polybag and a bottle) Here you go. Take this food and to reach back to your hotel, take a right from the green milestone & then a left from the camel fair’s parking. You’ll reach the highway and can then return back home.

Narrator –

The friends then got back into the jeep & drove to their hotel. They reached their room and immediately went to sleep; after all, it was quite an adventurous day.

From this journey, the friends learnt a lesson - that even in the toughest situation, one should not forget to help and be humane.

Thank you.

इस skit को डालने का एक purpose यह भी है कि अगर आप के बच्चे को भी यही setting मिली है तो इस skit को use कर सकते हैं। इस skit को करने में approx 6 to 7 minutes लगेंगे।

साथ ही यदि आप को किसी और topic, setting or character पर story or skit चाहिए तो आप comment box पर डाल दीजिए, हम जल्दी ही उसे भी post कर देंगे।


  1. Great work Advay...Keep writing smart boy

    1. Thank you so much for your appreciation🙏🏻

      Your words motivate me🙏🏻😊


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