Friday 16 August 2019

Tip : Preserving coriander leaves

Adding coriander leaves to any dish, enhances it's taste. But isn't it really hard to keep the coriander leaves in rainy season? They either get dried up or start to rot.

So, I have a solution to this problem.

Preserving coriander leaves
  • Try to buy fresh leaves and see that it shouldn't be wet.
  • Clean the  leaves as soon as possible, after buying. Remove the roots, dust particles and other unwanted plants. Don't wash the leaves.
  • Wrap the leaves in a clean newspaper.
  • Now, keep this newspaper in a polythene. Don't tie the mouth of the poly bag. This will allow air circulation.
  • Now store it as usual.

  • The leaves may wither(कुम्हला), but would neither rot, nor get dried up. Also, it's fragrance will remain for a longer period.


  1. I'm glad to know, that you got the benefit of this tip..

    And obviously anyone who tries it, will get good results


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